Returning for the 2023 Competition Season, Team Challenge Events are strategically programmed to both challenge the team’s capabilities while also allowing the individual strategize around their unique strengths and abilities.
Register your co-ed team of 2 men and 2 women in the division that best reflects your overall team's competitive level.
Whether you've been training for 6 months or 6 years there's a division appropriate for your group!
Division Requirements & Details
Suitable For:
Beginner or first time competitors
Able to run/bike/row pain free
Performs The CrossFit Open® scaledBodyweight Requirements:
Jumping Pullups & Hanging Knee Raises
Box Step-Ups & Single Skips
Hand Release Push-upsBarbell Requirements:
Ground-to-Overhead 95/65
Thruster / Snatch 75/55 -
Suitable For:
Beginner to experienced competitors
Performs The CrossFit Open® workouts mostly scaledBodyweight Requirements:
Single/Low Rep Kipping Pullups & Toes-to-Bar
Box Jumps & Single Skips
Standard PushupsBarbell Requirements:
Ground-to-Overhead 135/95
Thruster/Snatch 95/65 -
Suitable For:
Intermediate to experienced competitors
Performs The CrossFit Open® workouts mostly RxBodyweight Requirements:
Cycling Kipping Pullups & Toes-to-Bar
Single/Low Rep Bar Muscle-Ups
Box Jumps & Double Unders
Kipping Handstand Pushups
Rope ClimbsWeightlifting Requirements:
Squat Clean & Jerk 185/135
Thruster / Snatch 135/95 -
Suitable For:
Experienced Competitors
Performs The CrossFit Open® workouts all Rx / Quarterfinal/Semi-Final AthleteBodyweight Requirements:
Cycling Chest-to-Bar Pullups, Muscle Ups & Toes-to-Bar
Drag Rope Double Unders
Strict/Deficit Handstand Pushups
Handstand Walk 25ft Increments
Legless Rope ClimbsWeightlifting Requirements:
Squat Clean & Jerk 235/155
Thruster/Snatch 185/125